Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Term 3 session 2

Drawing using a picture plane. Materials required for this exercise are: an A4 viewing frame, A4 clear plastic sheet (over head projector transparencies are ideal), masking tape, pencil, paper, eraser, whiteboard marker, tissue for wiping and a window with a view.

First exercise is to talk about a picture plane and how the old art masters used them. Demonstrate by drawing the view on the classroom window with whiteboard mark. To do this keep your head as still as possible (it is amazing how your head moves when you are trying to keep it still), shut one eye, put the marker pen on the window and draw the lines seen in the view. Step back and look at the drawing, you will notice how the drawing shows depth and perspective. Allow the students to give it a go. I also got a student to stand outside on the deck and the children inside draw them on the window. You can really see the likeness in the drawing.
Before getting the students to draw their own hand using the picture plane I taught them how to use a graph to copy an image from a picture. (I have learned from experience, that it is important to give them the tools they need before introducing them to new skills.

To draw the hand prepare the view finder by taping the clear plastic on to the view finder and then draw a cross line through the middle - see diagram.
Get students to rest the view finder on their hand. Curl the fingers up and hold the plastic above the inner hand. Now draw the lines of the hand in the plastic using whiteboard marker. When complete place the plastic onto white paper and see the results. If the lines are not correct or if the hand or plastic move, rub the lines out and start again.
Now using the knowledge of using a graph, get the students to copy their hand drawing from the picture plane onto white paper.

The students were amazed at the results and complemented each other on their drawing ability. Nine and ten year old coped with these exercises well.
Next time the students will be drawing everyday objects using the picture plane.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg i love!!! the stuff they made they must be great!!! (8D)-|<